Friday, July 31, 2015


Why Is There Evil?

R.C. Sproul...
1.    Evil is not a thing, like some force or poison or ooze.
2.    Evil is an action.
3.    Just as Augustine said, evil is a privation of good.
4.    Evil is doing what is contrary to God’s commands.
5.    Concupiscence (an innocent inclination to sin) is a contradiction, and does not explain the origin of evil.
6.    Evil is not simply imperfection. Evil is not necessary to being a creature. Adam was not created fallen. Biblically, Christians are also promised not just physical or mental perfection in heaven, but spiritual (metaphysical) perfection.
7.    Karl Barth said original sin was the “impossible possibility,” which is just a way of saying “I don’t know” where evil came from.
8.    The best answer this side of eternity is probably “I don’t know.”
9.    Scripture itself calls iniquity a “mystery.” (2 Thessalonians 2:7)
10.Some have argued the presence of evil proves there is no God, since an all knowing all powerful good God wouldn’t tolerate such evil, when actually, the fact that we demand justice and recognize evil points to an ideal moral good (God).
11.If we agree God exists, then the current present evil we experience, while not good in itself, yet it is still apparently good that it exists right now, otherwise it wouldn’t. Nothing prevents God from accomplishing everything he wants even if that means allowing evil and using it for good purposes that would otherwise not exist.
12.God means evil for good. “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good.” (Genesis 50:20) “And an evil spirit sent by the Lord terrified him.” (1 Samuel 16:14)
13.Nothing is more clear in Scripture about God meaning evil for good than the sending of his son to die on the cross. “to do whatever your hand and your plan had predestined to take place.” (Acts 4:28) “It was the will of the Lord to crush him; he has put him to grief.” Isaiah 53:10.
However, oddly enough, it’s only once we have decided that there is such a thing as goodness existing, that evil becomes a problem. We can’t even talk about evil unless we first assumed the good. The problem that the non-theist or the atheist has, is to account for the existence of good. Do you understand that? The guy who denies the existence of God has a much more difficult problem. He has the problem of ethics. In other words, what I’m saying is this, we do indeed have a problem with evil, but that problem is only there because of the existence of the good. And it’s not near the problem that the man has who denies God with the problem with the good.
Michael Reeves
First, while God is sovereign over all things, He is not the creator or author of evil. Second, evil simply does not have the existence good does. Good and evil are not equal and opposite things. Good is an eternal reality found in God. Evil is a consequential, lacking thing. Pastorally, that’s important because it means that where sin promises happiness, by its very nature it cannot deliver because it has no thing to give us.

1 comment:

  1. I live in Perth and a little while back there was a media scuffle here about a hospital which has opened in Bali that conducts plastic surgery, it is a fraction of the price that it is here in Manila and the ironic thing is that the surgeons are above board, the wife of a guy my husband works with had a tummy tuck there and then had a holiday!!

    Tummy Tuck in the Philippines
