Christmas time a Savior born (sarah)
Oft times we dismiss through sin and strife
We know by heart the cold, dark morn
The Incarnate Christ who gave us life.
Glad tidings bring far and near (mom)
Our hope, our joy, our wondrous fear
The lonely manger that kept the child
Emblaze our Savior so meek and mild
The wintry, dreary Holy Night (joshua)
A virgin birth - a Son so bright
But we afore, all men forlorn
Our hope fulfilled, Emmanuel born.
Hallelujah the world now shouts (lolo)
Israel's Son born in Bethlehem
What, you wonder is this about?
A priceless Savior, a brilliant Gem.
Snow calmly falling among the trees (steph)
Hope answered, the Christmas story
And our hearts we pray to appease
God's Son born to manifest glory
The Joy of Jesus Birth we see (steph2022)
A calmness of the night
Our glorious Savior nailed to a tree
Proclaim his Love from dark to light.
A dreary night, a time so boring, (sarah2022)
But a bright light shining that maybe
We never forget the familiar story
Of God born as a humble and Glorious baby
The angels cry out "Glory" so deafening (josh2022)
Their bright light proclaim a Savior born
The shepherds weary and alone sitting
Then joyous hearts leaping this wondrous morn.
Glory to God in the highest (Mom2022)
The angels proclaim the birth of a lamb
Our Father gives us our King, the best
Wonderful Savior, triumphant God-man.
The ressurection of Jesus our faith rely (assurance)
And on the cross our sins on Christ die
The beginning our Savior as a child lives
Glory to Bethlehem, salvation gives
Christmas-time, a season of gift giving
God's gift, the Messiah, makes life worth living.
Another titanic gift God has made,
Is the gift that saves, our priceless faith.
In despair we live life and a day
Sometimes our faith once strong, gives way
Grasping for salvation we work forlorn
But God's great gift, a Savior, a baby born
Our savior sits at God's right hand 2023 Joshua
Saints and angels and all cause to stand
Began many year ago on a cold quiet morn
Our savior, sin's death was silently born
One cannot believe the Christmas Story 2023 Stephanie
A baby born to bring His Father Glory
We with hushed wonder why God would give
His Begotten son to die that we might live.
The baby born set our hearts aflame2023 Sarah
He lives to die to set us free
Immanuel, Messiah thy glorious Name
Gladly, lovingly, lowly kneel to thee
The agony on the cross for all to see2023 Mom
That our Jesus saves us and dies for thee
Began in a town in a manger that night
God's wondrous gift, a child, our Christmas light.
Steph 2024
The angels surround and around this Christmas morn
Winds quietly whispering a celestial sound
Shepherd and sheep know our King is born
All bow down, adore, worship on royal ground
Joshua 2024
Offered at the cross for the sins we make
To satisfy God's wrath, His life to take
For unto us a child
Born in a stable meek and mild
Sar 2024
The barn framed against the moon-filled night
Dark and cold as stars arrayed in shards of light
But a candle flickering through straw and hay
In the manger, God's begotten son, our Savior lay
Donna 2024
The brilliant star, afar, from the east
Guides the kings to search the child
Ruler, King ,Priest and born the least
Manifest power begins as a baby so mild
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